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Chinese Cultural Center

“Condemn the actions and behavior of David Tedesco and True North Companies now know as Outlier LLC
toward the Asian Businesses of the Chinese Cultural Center”

老四川Condo Termination and Force sale 一案进展\"\"


经过在7月19日的听证,法官在7月24日没有给出老四川提出的临时禁止令TRO(Temporary Restraining Order) 但是案子本身还没审理。真北的律师告诉法官,他们解散小区是8月2号生效。在亚利桑那州,有一个更加有效保护类似于老四川这样的HOA Condo owner 的新法律HB2263,它将于8月3号开始有效。但真北要赶在之前解散小区。

老四川这个案件的律师Conner 在7月25日送给法庭上诉TRO要求。几分钟后,真北律师居然去县房管局(Maricopa County Recorder Office) 把老四川名下的房产登记换在真北名下。并在一个多小时后,注册了小区解散的文件。




老四川总共有5个案子。1。律师Jack Wilenchik 打二个官司。一个是去年9月告真北搬走狮子及要拆琉璃瓦的官司。2, 一个是真北告赵老板说他打了太多官司。3,律师Yen & Pilch 现在帮老四川打Zoning的官司。4,律师Catherine Conner 在帮老四川打吴谦及小区管理委员会的案子。5, 就是Condo Termination一䅁。

社区的帮助给了老四川老板极大的支持。律师们花了好多时间。 特别是Catherine Conner 这个月的很多周末,她都在加班加点写法律文件及准备听证。律师费也越来越多。如果换我是老四川的老板,我会怎么做呢?我们实在是佩服老四川老板坚持维护权利的勇气和能力!


我们好多朋友在美国几十年了,现在终于碰上这种恶势力的坏律师。我们拖了他们这么久,这说明我们已经做的很好了。现在我方的律师们正在研究上诉对策。去年12月第一个官司州法官也没有批TRO. 但上诉法院就批了TRO。所以一个法官的错误是可以被纠正的。



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The Chinese Cultural Center Petition

The new owner of the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center (now know as Outlier LLC )plans to strip away all elements of Chinese culture. This would destroy an important piece of Arizona\’s history. We urge you to preserve our Chinese cultural heritage, Phoenix\’s first Chinatown.

The Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center, also known as the COFCO center, was built by the first owner with help from community volunteers and donations from local Chinese immigrants with support from the City of Phoenix government. Special materials and supplies were brought from China, and skilled workers from China spent years making this one of the most beautiful Chinese Cultural Centers in North America. The names of donors are engraved in the Wall of Honor, and it has become a Phoenix landmark, and part of Arizona\’s history.

For the last two decades, the Center has played an important role in the Valley of the Sun. Chinese New Year performances and celebrations have educated both tourists and locals about Chinese culture, and the garden and its artifacts are an important example of Chinese workmanship and cultural significance.

While the new owner has recognized the historical importance of the Center, and has offered the garden artifacts, we want to save the entire Chinese Cultural Center. It would be impossible to fully disassemble and restore the center\’s heritage at another location.

Conservation of culture and history encourages building strong relationships with the local community to address its needs; preserving the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center will benefit business and long-term development of the area, and maintain an important piece of Arizona\’s history.

Please sign this petition to share your support for preventing the destruction of the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center.

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